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Posts from the ‘Get Organized!’ Category

Re-purposed Bathroom Cabinet

When we moved into our home, we had a very skinny bathroom upstairs. Every time the door opened, it banged into the bathroom, and your knees could knock the sink when you sat on the toilet. We decided to expand the bathroom, making the adjoining office a bit smaller.

The “office,” was previously an old, second-floor kitchen. When we moved in, there was still a big stove outlet and a set of cabinets with a kitchen sink. Now, these cabinets were u-g-l-y, and we just stuffed junk in them — hair accessories in one cupboard, old Yellow Pages in a drawer, a bunch of unused frames under the sink — so it wasn’t too heart-breaking to decide to pull them out and move the wall over the resultant foot-and-a-half. But then we still had the dilemma of what to do for a new bathroom cabinet.

Working with a budget, we couldn’t really afford to pay thousands for a nice big cabinet with a modern counter-top. So I decided to re-work those fugly cabinets. My husband was sceptical, but I knew they had a future.

Submitted by: Jodi

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Bulletin Board

The kids are on a break now, but they’ll soon be back to school. And there are always information sheets, homework, field trip forms, and endless pieces of loose paper when school’s in. Keep them all in one place with your lovely, bespoke bulletin board.

By: Colleen Seto Read more

Make Your Own Reusable Food Wrap

I’ve been bit by the zero waste bug! One area where my family has been focusing on waste reduction is in the kitchen. We’ve made the switch to reusable produce bags, and avoid a lot of packaging by taking our own containers to the local bulk store. Still, there are times when a bit of plastic wrap would come in handy. But with a bit of beeswax and cotton fabric we’re ditching the plastic wrap habit.

By: Janet Oswald Read more

DIY Chalkboard

I was looking for a chalkboard to hang in a specific place in my kitchen. Everything I found in stores was too wide and didn’t fit the space, so I decided to make one on my own, with a frame to match my wooden kitchen table. This project was cheap and super easy!

By: Dana Read more